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' In order to solve certain problems you may have to think Abstractly for there may be no Logical Solution'

                         Abstractword are a collective of  Musicians,   Dancers,Spoken word/Rap Artists

spearheaded by Writer /Musician Richmond Trew. They were formed in 1995 after Richmond signed a Publishing Deal with Rodriguiez Music LTD & a Production Deal with MAP Music. To date they've toured in & around the London area with their brand of Funky/Jazzy arrangements coupled with Vocal & Poetic Verse that is captured on their CD                         recorded at MAP Music Studio's. They've collaborated with as many as 30 Artists speading the 'Abstract Word Experience' The concept sets out to enable artists to express themselves freely within a structure thus allowing for personality & spontaneity. The artists and musicians are able to represent themselves in a large band setting, or stripped down to an acoustic/semi acoustic set, yet still maintaining their essence and impact.



'Music like water cannot remain static it has to flow, for a still pond will become stale and stagnate, unlike the running stream that flows staying fresh creating life.'
Abstractword @ the Tabernacle-Jazz Renaissance
Abstractword @ the Fridge Brixton-Armaghetto

Journeyman Art/Abstractword also hosted a series of spokenword evenings & a 'Jazz Jam' in South London to explore free style Poetry & Music from 1999-2003. The Monthly Events would see a core nucleus of Musicians plus an open mic & 'sit -in' Musicians.









Abstractword @ Goldsmith University African Poets & Performers Festival
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